Posts Tagged ‘exhibition’

Please press ‘M’ for better quality During the exhibition of Albrecht Dürer in The Albertina, the world’s largest and most important collection of graphic art, the steps are decorated with the famous ‘Hase’ (rabbit), one of his masterpieces.

The famous Guggenheim Museum in New York was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The gallery floor is one long ramp spiralling down from the skylight to the floor of the central hall.

This picture is a mercator projection of a 360° panorama showing the gallery floor around the central hall. Visitors take the elevator to the top (visible right behind the gentleman in the front) and then effortlessly walk down the gallery floor while enjoying the exhibitions.

16th century painting, The Vendramin Family by Titian in the National Gallery, London, England, Britain, UK

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In Istanbul Biennial, 2011

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