Posts Tagged ‘Explorer’

During this long weekend I was fortunate to enjoy some beautiful sunsets . On the last night we went to Jackson Beach Park at the Tiny Beaches on Georgian Bay . As a storm rolled in and the wind was gusting I was able to snap a shot of this amazing sunset!

During this long weekend I was fortunate to enjoy some beautiful sunsets . On the last night we went to Jackson Beach Park at the Tiny Beaches on Georgian Bay . As a storm rolled in and the wind was gusting I was able to snap a shot of this amazing sunset! Enjoy!

The Orr Lake watershed is located in the northeast corner of Springwater Township and forms part of the larger Severn Sound Watershed. Glacial and post-glacial activity has sculpted the landscape of the Orr Lake area. From a recent outing in the summer of 2013.

Pushkar is not only about Indians you will find people from all over world some visitors and some are now citizens.