Posts Tagged ‘faith’

There is always room to grow, flourish, and learn. We don’t know everything, and we never will, but the more trial and error that happens the more we learn and experience. What works for one may not work for all, but that does not mean it’s wrong! Positivity and support also helps with building the new. Positivity is the key to success. This world throws so much at us sometimes it’s hard to even handle it all, but the best thing to do in that circumstance is to take a deep breath and a step back and look at how far you have come! Positivity spreads; the more positive you are the more that happens in your favor. No this does not happen over night it takes consistency, but how awesome is it to look back and see just how successful you really have been! And support, well, no one wants to be in this world alone. Support shows confidence, faith, and love for another human. Support helps us get through the rough patches, and rely and confine in another. I believe support will show who truly loves you, and supports your every move. However, at the end of the day you have to have the WANT and DESIRE to build the new if you want the positivity and support. Believe in yourself and anything is possible 👊🙏

Posted: June 7, 2014 in dailyquote, faith, IFTT, well
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There is always room to grow, flourish, and learn. We don’t know everything, and we never will, but the more trial and error that happens the more we learn and experience. What works for one may not work for all, but that does not mean it’s wrong! Positivity and support also helps with building the new. Positivity is the key to success. This world throws so much at us sometimes it’s hard to even handle it all, but the best thing to do in that circumstance is to take a deep breath and a step back and look at how far you have come! Positivity spreads; the more positive you are the more that happens in your favor. No this does not happen over night it takes consistency, but how awesome is it to look back and see just how successful you really have been! And support, well, no one wants to be in this world alone. Support shows confidence, faith, and love for another human. Support helps us get through the rough patches, and rely and confine in another. I believe support will show who truly loves you, and supports your every move. However, at the end of the day you have to have the WANT and DESIRE to build the new if you want the positivity and support. Believe in yourself and anything is possible 👊🙏

There is always room to grow, flourish, and learn. We don’t know everything, and we never will, but the more trial and error that happens the more we learn and experience. What works for one may not work for all, but that does not mean it’s wrong! Positivity and support also helps with building the new. Positivity is the key to success. This world throws so much at us sometimes it’s hard to even handle it all, but the best thing to do in that circumstance is to take a deep breath and a step back and look at how far you have come! Positivity spreads; the more positive you are the more that happens in your favor. No this does not happen over night it takes consistency, but how awesome is it to look back and see just how successful you really have been! And support, well, no one wants to be in this world alone. Support shows confidence, faith, and love for another human. Support helps us get through the rough patches, and rely and confine in another. I believe support will show who truly loves you, and supports your every move. However, at the end of the day you have to have the WANT and DESIRE to build the new if you want the positivity and support. Believe in yourself and anything is possible 👊🙏

Posted: June 7, 2014 in dailyquote, faith, IFTT, well
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There is always room to grow, flourish, and learn. We don’t know everything, and we never will, but the more trial and error that happens the more we learn and experience. What works for one may not work for all, but that does not mean it’s wrong! Positivity and support also helps with building the new. Positivity is the key to success. This world throws so much at us sometimes it’s hard to even handle it all, but the best thing to do in that circumstance is to take a deep breath and a step back and look at how far you have come! Positivity spreads; the more positive you are the more that happens in your favor. No this does not happen over night it takes consistency, but how awesome is it to look back and see just how successful you really have been! And support, well, no one wants to be in this world alone. Support shows confidence, faith, and love for another human. Support helps us get through the rough patches, and rely and confine in another. I believe support will show who truly loves you, and supports your every move. However, at the end of the day you have to have the WANT and DESIRE to build the new if you want the positivity and support. Believe in yourself and anything is possible 👊🙏


Posted: May 31, 2014 in dailyquote, faith, IFTT
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The city and Parish Church of Xewkija as seen from the top of a hill at Nadur in Gozo, Malta.

Qingming festival

Faith, faith and faith.

Thammachak wheel measured Mehyongcs Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Almost a year ago and after many years of hard work and faith one of my dreams came true…My AndFit Studio opened in Nicaragua. Today that dream is growing! Dreams come true but they don’t just happen like PUFF, we need to put a lot of time on them, hard work, passion, faith, sacrifice, to try maybe fail and try better, tears, smiles, prayers, search for wisdom, deal with others negativity and the dream killers, etc, etc. Whatever your dreams are NEVER EVER GIVE UP. If you have a dream is for a reason. The perfect time, resources and the right way to do it will always come. Every step counts. Keep Moving towards your dreams!

The Faith, in a old Church. Brazil