Posts Tagged ‘Farm house’

Farm house, Pelham, Massachusetts
I don’t usually photograph human made structures but I have had my eye on this farm house just down the road from my house for some time now. I was on my way to catch a sunrise at a different locatiion I had scouted the day before but was way ahead of schedule and decided to stop at the house for a bit. Thankfully the folks who live here like to leave these lights on through the night. It was about 4am and very cold and clear (-2 degrees F). The tree shadow on the front of the house was cast by the moon behind me. This is one 30 sec exposure at F4, iso 1600 with my Canon 5D MarkII. I took a few exposures because the chimney smoke only came out of the chimney for brief moments every 15 minutes or so. Thanks for viewing and Happy New Year!!!!

A beautiful sunset creeps in just as the tide begins to take hold of a small yacht, Alnmouth, Northumberland.