Posts Tagged ‘FB’

#IllustrationChallenge – Since I haven’t updated much lately (talking about artwork), either my blog, fb, twitter, tumblr or instagram page, due to tremendous changes in my private life ; I’ve decided to put myself in a challenge this week. So, I’ll be posting each day until next Sunday, an illustration with a quote that daily inspires me. 🙂
Please join and support me on that little journey, by liking, commenting and sharing with me your inspiring quotes as well, i’d looove to illustrate them my way !! Xoxo 🙂

#IllustrationChallenge – Since I haven’t updated much lately (talking about artwork), either my blog, fb, twitter, tumblr or instagram page, due to tremendous changes in my private life ; I’ve decided to put myself in a challenge this week. So, I’ll be posting each day until next Sunday, an illustration with a quote that daily inspires me. 🙂
Please join and support me on that little journey, by liking, commenting and sharing with me your inspiring quotes as well, i’d looove to illustrate them my way !! Xoxo 🙂

I woke up really late 2day and the weather was like really HOT…I really didn’t want to go outside…BUT I went through this unwillingness and BROKE my personal record! Plus I found a new perfect place to run. It was really hard to exercise in a daytime but I did it it! And I am so happy right now :)! If you skip your workouts, just don’t! No matter how hard it is, you will be the happiest person ever if you done one. Make exercising a part of your life like eating or talking and improvements will come right away. Have no time for it? Cut out texting, IG, FB, make-up, eating junk, clubbing, procrastinating…… Be ACTIVE! Be ALIVE! #motivation #motivationquote #quoteOftheday