Posts Tagged ‘frozen’

What you see here is methane bubbles were trapped under an ice surface at Abraham Lake.

This photo was shot at the same day as my previous “-20”. I spent 4 days 3 nights at Abraham lake. Unfortunately it was snowing for two days two nights. This was from the morning after snow storm stopped, which was usually gonna be extremely cold (super super cold for a Californian like me). The temperature dropped down to -35C (wind chill -39C). It was one of the coldest temperature I experienced. At least the wind was not too bad that morning.

This spot is basically a 30-degree slope. It is kinda annoying when my tripod kept sliding down when I was trying to do focus stack :D.

What you see here is methane bubbles were trapped under an ice surface at Abraham Lake.

This photo was shot at the same day as my previous “-20”. I spent 4 days 3 nights at Abraham lake. Unfortunately it was snowing for two days two nights. This was from the morning after snow storm stopped, which was usually gonna be extremely cold (super super cold for a Californian like me). The temperature dropped down to -35C (wind chill -39C). It was one of the coldest temperature I experienced. At least the wind was not too bad that morning.

This spot is basically a 30-degree slope. It is kinda annoying when my tripod kept sliding down when I was trying to do focus stack :D.

Musique: (Stacey Kent- The changing lights)

The past three months have been kind of strange. I had my first of two elbow surgeries in October, and it kept me down and out of, well, just about everything for quite a while. My second surgery was just a few weeks ago, but I was going so stir crazy that I thought I’d head up to Mt Hood early Saturday morning anyway, just to see if the clouds would stay away long enough for me to shoot the stars.

Luckily, they did. This is a frozen Lost Lake, with my first 2015 view of the Milky Way in the background. My arm’s been pretty sore for the past few days from the effort of getting up there, so I’ll probably lay low for a bit and continue to heal up.

Anyhow, the title is an allusion to several things: First, it’s kind of a play on the lake’s name. Second, it refers to the galactic center of the Milky Way, which has been hidden for the past few months. And third, it’s a comment on my own healing process and what has been required for me to (hopefully) live a life with a little less pain in my day-to-day activities.

Thanks for checking out the photo.

The past three months have been kind of strange. I had my first of two elbow surgeries in October, and it kept me down and out of, well, just about everything for quite a while. My second surgery was just a few weeks ago, but I was going so stir crazy that I thought I’d head up to Mt Hood early Saturday morning anyway, just to see if the clouds would stay away long enough for me to shoot the stars.

Luckily, they did. This is a frozen Lost Lake, with my first 2015 view of the Milky Way in the background. My arm’s been pretty sore for the past few days from the effort of getting up there, so I’ll probably lay low for a bit and continue to heal up.

Anyhow, the title is an allusion to several things: First, it’s kind of a play on the lake’s name. Second, it refers to the galactic center of the Milky Way, which has been hidden for the past few months. And third, it’s a comment on my own healing process and what has been required for me to (hopefully) live a life with a little less pain in my day-to-day activities.

Thanks for checking out the photo.

frozen river by RudolfMoerkl

Posted: February 3, 2015 in Fine Art
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this winter seems to turn out pretty unusual. Not too cold, not too much snow…… Like last summer was not that much “summer-like”
Well, still a few more weeks to go……..we´ll see 😉

This shot was taken last Sunday, during a walk in the Danube Au region.

best on dark background 🙂