Posts Tagged ‘great white shark’

A great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) opens his jaws at the surface off of Mexico’s Isla de Guadalupe. This is re-process in b&w of one of my older shots. I was going for a bit of mystery with the higher contrast and dark water. Despite the fact that we often see white sharks in imagery with their jaws agape, this is hardly an accurate representation of the species. They are generally very graceful and tranquil. Unfortunately, the dramatic open-jaw shots tend to draw the most attention.

Great white shark research around the world has grown leaps and bounds in recent years. Satellite tags have proven these animals migrate great distances. The purpose of these migrations is still unproven but movement to and from breeding and pupping grounds are 2 theories. They are certainly NOT the mindless killers they have been portrayed as. They are smart, methodical hunters. They are also some of the most graceful animals I have ever had the privaledge of seeing in the wild.