Posts Tagged ‘I’m tired.’

#LoveIt #Fit #fitness *Remember da pain is only temporary once your past the stage of whining (i can’t , i’m tired , my legs hurt , i’m sore , its to cold , its raining , tomorrow looks better ,blah blah blah BASICALLY the excuse part) you’ll wake up CRAVING it , it’ll become ADDICTING! Believe me I was once that person just fell off awhile back/ well a couple of mths ago BUT its ok cause I’m back & READY &&& STRONGER THAN EVERRR!!!👊💪

#LoveIt #Fit #fitness *Remember da pain is only temporary once your past the stage of whining (i can’t , i’m tired , my legs hurt , i’m sore , its to cold , its raining , tomorrow looks better ,blah blah blah BASICALLY the excuse part) you’ll wake up CRAVING it , it’ll become ADDICTING! Believe me I was once that person just fell off awhile back/ well a couple of mths ago BUT its ok cause I’m back & READY &&& STRONGER THAN EVERRR!!!👊💪

I’m tired, but don’t wanna sleep.
-Six word story

I’m tired.

Posted: July 17, 2014 in IFTT, instagram
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I’m tired.