Posts Tagged ‘italy’

Misty Morning by Primo

Posted: February 3, 2015 in landscapes
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Hello guys, I want to share with you, one of the most incredible situations I have ever witnessed. I was on Mount Orsaro, inside the Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park (north of Italy). I was waiting for sunset, when towards the horizon has created an eye of fire dominated by a very dramatic sky. A situation simply amazing. The photo is made up of 4 vertical shots.

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Un drammatico tramonto sui vigneti del Chianti. Un bellissima strada bianca si inerpica sinuosa tra i vigneti, costeggiando covoni di paglia, masserie e casali.

This photo is composed by 4 diferent shots: double exposure for the sky:(1 for the moon on the left corner and 1 for the sunset) and
2 shots for the ground for a better DoF.
Just an amazing moment shared with my patient but “half frozen” girlfriend and her new dog, Sole.

Cimon de la Pala, Passo Rolle

Same subject, different view:

long exposure venice

Waiting sunset in Vernazza