Posts Tagged ‘la jolla’

A beautiful sunset over the ocean in La Jolla, Ca.

Thanks again goes out to Jeff Lewis for the awesome forecasting of this incredible show of light!

Windansea Beach La Jolla, Ca.

La Jolla, CA. ©2015 Imageroom

PLEASE view on black for better light!
This is another photo that I need to upload right away. This was taken yesterday in San Diego around the Scripps Pier. I’ve never been to this pier or taken any photo about it. So this is my first time here and I guess It greeted me with a great sunset. After work, my friend came and pick me up to go to this beautiful place to take photo. At first, I didn’t want to go but luckily I’ve decided to join him. Btw, this is my first time taking photo of flower in landscape. Hope to have some suggestion from y’all to make it better. This is one of my favorite shots I’ve taken. I’ll upload more later!

Thanks for stopping by everyone! 🙂

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: San Diego, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

La Jolla, California during the morning magic hour. Turned into a gorgeous day!