Posts Tagged ‘land’

There is a short about this place I made. A VOTE IS REALLY APPRECIATED.


Grand Canyon National Park
Photographer: Krizanek Photography

A beautiful Fall evening at the Columbia River Gorge. The mighty Columbia River (fourth largest river by volumn in the United States) seperates the borders of Washington State and the State of Oregon. This image is taken from the Washigton side. Thank you for viewing, voting and/or any constructive comments!

By far one of the most beautiful spots I have ever had the privilege of photographing. In order to get this composition I had to do a bit of climbing around fairly steep terrain but taking that extra step (aka stupidity) in my opinion is worth the effort.

This is a single exposure with a 10 stop B+W ND Filter (love these)

Located on the south/west coastline of Oregon

Grand Canyon National Park
Photographer: Krizanek Photography

This Bald Eagle was soaring high over the Nooksack River (seen in the background) on an early winter morning hunt for spawning salmon. The Nooksack River is located in the Mt Baker region in Northern Washington State near the Canadian border. This area is near the town of Deming, Washington and is believed to have the largest concentration of Bald Eagles in the lower 48 states during the salmon runs. Thank you for viewing, voting and/or any constructive comments!

This Bald Eagle was soaring high over the Nooksack River (seen in the background) on an early winter morning hunt for spawning salmon. The Nooksack River is located in the Mt Baker region in Northern Washington State near the Canadian border. This area is near the town of Deming, Washington and is believed to have the largest concentration of Bald Eagles in the lower 48 states during the salmon runs. Thank you for viewing, voting and/or any constructive comments!

third photo:
