Posts Tagged ‘landscapephotography’

Þjófafoss South Iceland

Þjófafoss ( Thiefs falls ) and mount Búrfell south Iceland.

Apparently, the falls got its name because thieves were drowned here for their crimes, this is something I have heard but find no actual proof of that, but knowing icelandic tales it is most likely true for that part that maybe 1 or 2 was drowned there ages ago.

Standing there taking the pictures in -14 degrees it sure felt the chills of this awesome place, though for its history cold and brutal.. then it sure is beautiful on this location.

Can be hard to reach this place in the winter time, however to our luck this time the extreme cold made us live easy since the snow was frozen solid and driving there was like driving on new laid down asphalt.

Long exposure sunset over Blackcomb Mountain shot from the very frozen Lost Lake in Whistler BC… I was lucky enough to call this home for a year of my life, what a stunning location.

Long exposure sunset over Blackcomb Mountain shot from the very frozen Lost Lake in Whistler BC… I was lucky enough to call this home for a year of my life, what a stunning location.

Sun coming up on another atmospheric day in Montenegro..
Camera: Nikon D3X
Lens: 70-200 mm f/2.8
Shot at 70 mm
Exposure: Manual exposure, 1/5 sec, f/16, ISO 100
Flash: none

A beautiful windy sunset at Twenty mule team canyon in Death Valley. This is another one from last year as I still haven’t made it out there lately.
Hiking on narrow steep paths in strong wind is a bit scary and exhilarating. A beautiful area with such great perspectives, textures and colors. It has so much potential for photography, I really can’t wait to get back.

View of San Francisco, Ca from alameda, Ca

I am not a photojournalist..

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