Posts Tagged ‘last light’

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Nightfalls. –

This is a reprocess of an older shot that I had posted way back. I saw it and hated what a shitty job I did so decided to do it again.

This waterfall is located on Þjórsá river, Iceland’s longest river, in the south of Iceland. The mountain in the background is called Búrfell, and the volcano Mt. Hekla, which is expected to erupt soon, is close by.

The waterfall is called “Þjófafoss” which in english means “Thieves Falls”. The icelandic word for a thief is “Þjófur” and the icelandic word for “waterfall” is “foss”.

Apparently, thieves were drowned there a long time ago, hence the name.

Nikon D300 + Tokina 11-16/2.8 & Lee 0.9 ND Grad.

© Jóhannes Gunnar Skúlason

There are a lot of dead trees in this lake but this one is my favorite, Taken when almost dark.

strollin’ in my neighborhood …

editing inspiration by miles davis “blues by five” (“cookin’ – 1957)

have a great weekend!!!