Posts Tagged ‘light pollution’

another summer memory from rickelsbüller koog located close to the german/danish border…taken as a pano from 5 vertical RAW shots…

if you take a closer look at the sky, you can see the winter mw with andromeda

the light-polluted area is caused by the lights of sylt…

editing inspiration again by
miles davis & john coltrane “something i dreamed…”
(complete studio recordings)


Searching Somewhere…

Taken between the Inyo and Sierra mountain ranges on an unforgettable roadtrip. For the last two summers I have taken a couple weeks to fly from Toronto to California to experience and capture some of the beauty that lies there. After shooting up in the Bristlecone Pines near Patriarch Grove, I drove down the mountain in the middle of the night to capture a time-lapse here. This place was hot, lonely, and quiet.

I set up my 1DX to shoot a time-lapse sequence while I took this vertical shot with my 6D. Then I set my 6D shooting as well and waited for 2 or 3 hours. Once finished, I grabbed my gear, drove a little down the road, pulled over, and climbed into the back of my Yukon for some zzz’s. I slept until the hot sun crested the mountains to the east and roasted me out of the truck.

Searching Somewhere…

Taken between the Inyo and Sierra mountain ranges on an unforgettable roadtrip. For the last two summers I have taken a couple weeks to fly from Toronto to California to experience and capture some of the beauty that lies there. After shooting up in the Bristlecone Pines near Patriarch Grove, I drove down the mountain in the middle of the night to capture a time-lapse here. This place was hot, lonely, and quiet.

I set up my 1DX to shoot a time-lapse sequence while I took this vertical shot with my 6D. Then I set my 6D shooting as well and waited for 2 or 3 hours. Once finished, I grabbed my gear, drove a little down the road, pulled over, and climbed into the back of my Yukon for some zzz’s. I slept until the hot sun crested the mountains to the east and roasted me out of the truck.

“Lost In Space And Time”

(Disclaimer: This image is one exposure with minor Lightroom touch ups. This is not CGI and this is not digital painting, this is a real photograph.)

When we walk out into the heart of an unfrequented desert landscape, you expect to see some cactus, sand, maybe a few rocks, but what is that last thing you would ever expect? A giant metal dinosaur perhaps? These are in fact art installations by a man named Ricardo Breceda. Ricardo crafted over 120 metallic sculptures around the small town of Borrego Springs, out in the middle of the Anza Borrego Desert in California.

This area also happens to be an international Dark Sky community. The galaxy is an incredible backdrop over these beautiful pieces of art. The trick to this image was finding the location, for that I have to thank my good friends Jeff Morris and Slworking Kevin for their assistance in this process.

It was really an incredible experience to start by driving on a bumpy dirt road in complete and utter darkness, followed by looking up at two giant shadowed Dinosaurs staring you down. It was also creepy to a certain extent, because of how big the sculptures really were. Dinosaurs actually used to roam in this area many years ago. If you really think about it, these creatures were walking the earth long before light pollution, and they were able to live amongst these beautiful stars.

The photo was achieved by using a 30-second exposure for the sky while, light painting around the dinosaurs with my iPhone Flashlight. This was all done in one exposure. I cannot wait to get back out there and shoot some more of these intriguing sculptures.

Thank you so much for viewing the image and reading my description!

To see more please visit:

EXIF: 30SEC F/2.8 ISO6400
Canon6D, Rokinon 14mm