Posts Tagged ‘lighting’

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If you like my work, feel free to follow me on Facebook. 🙂
My Facebook page : Jay Kreens
I’m also on instagram : Jay Kreens

Taking at Manhattan Beach Pier, CA after work with my friend! We knew the date that the sun would be at the middle of the pier at sunset! So we were here early to wait for this moment. It was a great sunset that day and there were a lot of photographers came out to take photo. But I was so surprised that no one came and took photo under the pier except me and my friend. Maybe they didn’t know about this or they already took photos like this. Anyways, this pier is not popular as the Scripps pier in San Diego. I heard that there were a lot of photographers came to Scripps pier to capture a moment like this, so I’ve never been to that pier for the shot because of the crowd. I chose to take similar photo at Manhattan Beach and it’s not bad at all! 🙂
I really like this photo and I can’t wait for the next time. Thanks for stopping by and supporting my works everyone!

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Manhattan Beach, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

Hi friends,
If you like my work, feel free to follow me on Facebook. 🙂
My Facebook page : Jay Kreens
I’m also on instagram : Jay Kreens

Hi friends,
If you like my work, feel free to follow me on Facebook. 🙂
My Facebook page : Jay Kreens
I’m also on instagram : Jay Kreens

I’ve been postponing my Grand Canyon in snow series for awhile, so today I need to upload one. This is my 3rd time coming to Grand Canyon NP. And this is the first time I saw too much snow. The snow even got to the bottom of the canyon. This was taken on New Year day after the storm. We traveled by car from Orange County to Grand Canyon and it took us over 20 hours to get to the hotel due to the freeway closure. We thought this was the worse trip ever, but gladly we got there safely and the beauty of Grand Canyon in the winter has changed that thought. This is one of the best trip ever after all! 🙂
This is one of my favorite shots. I love the lone tree and the lines of cracks in the foreground that lead to the beautiful background. I wish I had a wider lens to get more thing into the photo. But I’m happy with this shot anyways.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day/night everyone! 🙂

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Grand Canyon National Park, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

If you like my work, you can also follow me on Facebook:

Hi friends,
If you like my work, feel free to follow me on Facebook. 🙂
My Facebook page : Jay Kreens
I’m also on instagram : Jay Kreens

I’ve been postponing my Grand Canyon in snow series for awhile, so today I need to upload one. This is my 3rd time coming to Grand Canyon NP. And this is the first time I saw too much snow. The snow even got to the bottom of the canyon. This was taken on New Year day after the storm. We traveled by car from Orange County to Grand Canyon and it took us over 20 hours to get to the hotel due to the freeway closure. We thought this was the worse trip ever, but gladly we got there safely and the beauty of Grand Canyon in the winter has changed that thought. This is one of the best trip ever after all! 🙂
This is one of my favorite shots. I love the lone tree and the lines of cracks in the foreground that lead to the beautiful background. I wish I had a wider lens to get more thing into the photo. But I’m happy with this shot anyways.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day/night everyone! 🙂

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Grand Canyon National Park, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page