Posts Tagged ‘low light’

It was the coldest night of the year so far in New Zealand and my idiot brain decided this was a good night to go shoot the Milky Way – I love the actual photo, but lost my hat (blown over the sheer cliff face in front of me in this picture)

Conversation between old tree and the clouds.

I regularly photograph a spoken word event called 451 which is put on by Apples and Snakes a spoken word organisation in the UK.

I get to combine two loves – photography and spoken word. It is always fun with a lot of challenges – least of which is low light and shooting long lens hand held.

Slightly different from my usual posts of landscapes…but I liked this photograph so what the hell. I have never going to be a polished portrait/event photographer as I tend towards the fine art photography but we all do things differently which is the great thing about this medium.

This photograph of international poet and performer Patience Agbabi was from last night’s 451 event.

igreja de são Gonçalinho em Amarante

This was taken mid-day at Antelope Island, Utah under over-cast conditions.

Ringing in the new year in Manila, Philippines.

The atmosphere was festive with sparks and fireworks in the streets. I am used to watching the ball drop in Times Square, but the display in Manila was much more raw, personal and lively, if somewhat dangerous.

And no, I’m not Filipino, but I do have Filipino friends and love Filipino culture.

Note: Sorry I have been away and was unable to check on some of my favorite photographers here. I will get to you soon 🙂