Posts Tagged ‘male’

Joe, in his 90’s, was still going to hang out in a South Philly vacuum shop every day when this photograph was taken.That’s how I met him, completely by chance. By chance, I’d ended up with a vacuum a few days before. By chance, I’d discovered Joe’s shop as hit number one on my search. By Chance, I’d brought my camera on the journey. I’m shy by nature, always have been. It takes a strong feeling for me to ask a stranger for their photo. Something in my head ticks that this person has a story to tell. In Joe’s case, it’s almost one of tragedy. He’s outlived all his friends and has no where to turn for company except the warm embrace of strangers’ presence as they search for their own perfect piece.

Male Pileated Woodpecker. I was about four yards from him at this point – he was so involved that he let me keep creeping closer! I saw him pull out several grubs.

Israel, Negev desert, A bedouin driving a herd of camels

Face portrait of a red fox male, a beautiful forest wild beast. Smart look of a dodgy vulpes, skilled raptor and elegant animal. Cute and cuddly creature.

A male lion in the Ngorongoro crater ! From my safari with Gadventures 😉 It was awesome to look at this lion through my viewfinder as he got close up ! What a might animal !

© 2013 Corey Woodruff for MUS

Features added to MEN’s concept: structure, masculinity, strength and spontaneity.
Photographer: Aníbal Velásquez
Venezuela – 2014

Betta Fish Siamese Fighting Fish Half Moon Red tail

I photographed this red deer stag late one evening in my local deer park during the rutting season. Throughout the autumn the deer will often walk over a ridge which is backlit by the setting sun. On this particular evening the sky had been very overcast and a strip of clearer sky had just broke on the horizon after the sun set.