Posts Tagged ‘mono’

A shot of an old building in my town thats since been knocked down.

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A third view with the fence.
Those who knows me know I couldn’t care less about the chase, pulse or game. I have been fortunate to get to know many people on this site that have come to play an important part in my life and that’s what counts to me. Yes, it is great fun to receive a lot of attention for the work I do and so on, but I have a whole other arena where I sell and display my work. I am, if you should go by the definition of money, a professional but it still is my hobby. My recreation, my sanctuary and my way of expression. A voice if you like.
Nature, have a different voice. I try to listen when it speaks.

Please press “H” for better view on black background.

A shot I took when I last visited London in 2013. Recently been looking through older images that I forgot about and doing some work to them.
****Best viewed with a black background**** If you like my photography, then please follow me on Facebook 🙂

The waterfalls of Bali, in black and white.

Took the boat out during the high tide to try catch some whirlpools in the famous Naruto, Japan. I’ve been to this place several times and at the peak times for whirlpools, but never had any luck seeing them. This time I was very close, but no cigar 😦
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sea defence at New Brighton …again 🙂 !!