Posts Tagged ‘Montana’

One of the many landscape pictures I took while on Going to the sun road, Montana

Mt Sinopah in Glacier Park 9-22-2014

Hola amigos… Primer foto de este año 2015.
Un mágico atardecer, esperando el momento justo para capturar el momento, el frío y el viento de zona no ayudan para nada pero bien vale la pena semejante paisaje. El salto de agua consta de unos 60 metros de altura aproximadamente, es la estrella de las cascadas que se suceden a lo largo del Río Agrio que nace cerca del cráter del volcán Copahue.
Espero sea de su agrado y gracias por pasar a ver.

This herd bull is bugling to all those around, and striking a pretty pose in the process.

Normally would not have used 1000 ISO (used a 7D) but this was taken before the ambient light was sufficient.

Por favor, no use esta imagen en los sitios web, blogs u otros medios de comunicación sin mi permiso explícito – Todos los derechos reservados ©. Please don’t use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission – All Rights Reserved ©

Glacier National Park in Montana.

Albarracín is a Spanish town, in the province of Teruel, part of the autonomous community of Aragon.
It is considered to be one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. Its medieval architecture and narrow streets have been proposed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO and in 1961 it was declared a National Monument. A good example of its narrow streets is my previous image Albarracin
Albarracín it is surrounded by stony hills and Guadalaviar River. You could see on the right side Santiago church with its inclined tower. The other tower is Salvador de Albarracín cathedral.

Please click on the photo to see it on a black background.

I took a trip up to Glacier at the beginning of the new year to do some ski touring and photographing. While I was there at least two feet of fresh powder fell, obscuring much of the mountain views but making for some excellent skiing.

After not getting much photography in I decided to extend my stay by a couple of days to wait out the storm. I used this time to scout the extensive shoreline along Lake McDonald for interesting comps.

I’m sure glad I decided to wait it out because the skies cleared just before sunset on this particular evening and I was able to make this image of Lake McDonald and the Big Dipper rising above Stanton Peak and Mount Vaught.

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