Posts Tagged ‘morning light’

In life we aren’t always sure. Doubt is a part of human nature and we all experience it at some level. Did we do it right? Is it correct? What if I’m wrong? Doubt that grows out of control is the fuel of inaction and the sibling of failure. But sometimes we do know. Sometimes, there is no doubt. And when I pressed the shutter to capture this moment I knew….epic.

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thank you

Thanks for all!!

On Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, we checked the weather and decided to go here to take photo of Cholla Cactus Garden in Joshua Tree National Park again. It’s about 2 and 1/2 years ago when I was here with my first dslr. I didn’t get a good sunrise at that time as it was not matter cause I was beginner. And this time, I got what I wanted and I really happy about this shot! We camped in the park at night to capture some star trail and milky way photos, but we weren’t in luck cause the sky was so cloudy at night. But gladly we got 1 good sunrise and sunset. After all, it’s not a bad short photo trip. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day/night everyone! 🙂

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

On Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, we checked the weather and decided to go here to take photo of Cholla Cactus Garden in Joshua Tree National Park again. It’s about 2 and 1/2 years ago when I was here with my first dslr. I didn’t get a good sunrise at that time as it was not matter cause I was beginner. And this time, I got what I wanted and I really happy about this shot! We camped in the park at night to capture some star trail and milky way photos, but we weren’t in luck cause the sky was so cloudy at night. But gladly we got 1 good sunrise and sunset. After all, it’s not a bad short photo trip. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day/night everyone! 🙂

Photographed by: Nhut Pham
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Social Network:
Nhut Pham Fine Art American | 500PX | Website | Flickr | Facebook Page

MUA: Jazz Senior

MUA: Jazz Senior