Posts Tagged ‘New Jersey’

Hope you’re not getting tired of all these fox photos!! Couldn’t help myself, I kept snapping away!
Unfortunately, this fox, as beautiful and as healthy as it looks, had a problem with its front left leg. It was able to get around, walk, but it did so with the leg barely touching the ground. I was able to grab some video with my cell phone.. Felt bad for it.. Hope it heals up.

Profile of a Red Fox taken at Island Beach State Park, a barrier island off the New Jersey shore.

Photographed at the New Jersey shore, these Mergansers fly pretty fast. ๐Ÿ™‚

The George Washington Bridge is lit up in Bronco orange and Seahawk green for the Super Bowl. This is the first time I’ve seen the towers lit in person. They only light them for special occasions. I heard it cost something crazy like $12,000 a day to light them.

Land’s end with lighthouse