Posts Tagged ‘new year’

Chiang Mai / THAILAND

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Shanghai- guqi garden-Chinese new year 2014

Took this photo at the end of the Little Bourke Street (Chinatown Precinct) in Melbourne on the Sunday when Chinese New Year was being celebrated.

I personally have never been to a Chinese New Year celebration, and I must say that it was really awesome. Watching the dragons, the firecrackers and the many, many stalls full of all sorts of food; it was an amazing experience.

Red heart in the snow – white background

Ringing in the new year in Manila, Philippines.

The atmosphere was festive with sparks and fireworks in the streets. I am used to watching the ball drop in Times Square, but the display in Manila was much more raw, personal and lively, if somewhat dangerous.

And no, I’m not Filipino, but I do have Filipino friends and love Filipino culture.

Note: Sorry I have been away and was unable to check on some of my favorite photographers here. I will get to you soon 🙂

A landscape photograph of the life of people in the European history