Posts Tagged ‘Night Sky’

Taylor Photography – Workshops – Prints – Presentations

The photogenic core section of the Milky Way has started its late Winter ascent into the night sky. Here you can see the Great Dark Horse, one of the most recognizable features of our galaxy, making its way above the horizon at Marshall Point Lighthouse. This image was captured just after moonset and shortly before sunrise on February 1 during the blue hour. Milky Way season has officially started.

Spots in our Spring Night Photography Workshops are filling up. We are offering two workshops at Marshall Point during Spring 2015 and we will be adding a couple more over the Summer months. Check out our website for more info.

© Mike Taylor | Taylor Photography

Taylor Photography – Workshops – Prints – Presentations

The photogenic core section of the Milky Way has started its late Winter ascent into the night sky. Here you can see the Great Dark Horse, one of the most recognizable features of our galaxy, making its way above the horizon at Marshall Point Lighthouse. This image was captured just after moonset and shortly before sunrise on February 1 during the blue hour. Milky Way season has officially started.

Spots in our Spring Night Photography Workshops are filling up. We are offering two workshops at Marshall Point during Spring 2015 and we will be adding a couple more over the Summer months. Check out our website for more info.

© Mike Taylor | Taylor Photography

Sydney has put on a spectacular weekend with 36-degree cloudless days and crystal clear waters. I’m sitting on the lounge recovering from a big weekend with good friends, good weather and, a good sunburn but I cannot help dreaming back to the white cold.

Here’s a shot to help cool down this hot summers day and remember what it feels like to be truly lost amongst the splendour of the Canadian Rockies.

640 x 40 seconds, f2.8, iso500

S.S. Specke shipwreck, Phillip Island.

Another shot from one of my favorite locations to shoot the Milky Way, Sand Beach Stonington, Maine. The red light over by the trees is my other camera running a time lapse. The light on the horizon is Mark Island Lighthouse.

Another shot from one of my favorite locations to shoot the Milky Way, Sand Beach Stonington, Maine. The red light over by the trees is my other camera running a time lapse. The light on the horizon is Mark Island Lighthouse.

Another shot from one of my favorite locations to shoot the Milky Way, Sand Beach Stonington, Maine. The red light over by the trees is my other camera running a time lapse. The light on the horizon is Mark Island Lighthouse.

Another shot from one of my favorite locations to shoot the Milky Way, Sand Beach Stonington, Maine. The red light over by the trees is my other camera running a time lapse. The light on the horizon is Mark Island Lighthouse.

Another shot from one of my favorite locations to shoot the Milky Way, Sand Beach Stonington, Maine. The red light over by the trees is my other camera running a time lapse. The light on the horizon is Mark Island Lighthouse.