Posts Tagged ‘nordland’

The Curse by ted_ol

Posted: January 26, 2015 in landscapes
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Best viewed on black.

Every landscape photographer from Nordland wants a shot or two from Stedind, the national mountain, in their portfolio. Im no different.
Although the best composition is straight forward and done thousand of times before , its a good looking mountain.

Since the beginning of winter Ive been longing for a sunset shot of her majesty, combined with the new moon. So far Ive tried 4 times, with no luck. Today it went from bad to worse. There were supposed to be an opening in the skys, just around sunset, with the new-moon placed nice behind the mountain.

The weather looked promising.. I found my composition… turned on my camera to take a test shot…. just to find out that my memory-card was left behind at home…..

So the saga continues, with the score being Stetind 5 – 0 Ted

This is a shot from the 4th time, at the end of morning blue-hour 🙂

Appreciate any thoughts!

B+W 110 ND 3.0 – 10 BL 1000x Kenko PRO1D PRO ND-8(W) my instagram: / @christerolsen_