Posts Tagged ‘nsw’

La Perouse is a suburb in south-eastern Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. The suburb of La Perouse is located about 14 kilometres south-east of the Sydney central business district, in the City of Randwick.

“Magique lumière” || MacMasters Beach || Australia Sunrise on saturday morning was just amazing. With plenty of grey clouds around i wasn’t expecting to come home with anything really special or decent. Then all of a sudden i seen the clouds start to move from behind the cliff and the sky and landscape just exploded with this magic light that lasted for around 10 mins i reckon before the grey clouds rolled in again.

Used to have photos for sunrise near the rocks down below but maybe a top view is not bad…

Love to take sunrise photo but sometimes it’s an agony to wake up early morning and drive for at least an hour to capture sunrise… It’s a challenge! But upon seeing and capturing sunrise beauty, I feel justice for the effort…

Another visit to the Blue Mountains, NSW.

Another visit to the Blue Mountains, NSW.

After being away from my camera for approx 3 months, i was adamant that ill be up and out this morning regardless of the conditions. Conditions were supposed to be some decent high cloud and an incoming tide. i arrived and the cloud was diminishing before my eyes. I ventured out to a different part of Little Bay i haven’t been to before (not in this picture), and that was the start of a very bumpy morning. I had little difficulty getting to the location, just had to rush between the waves as they passed by. The other condition of the incoming tide, yeah i kinda forgot about that. in the process of getting soaked completely and also wetting my gear, the tide had risen high enough to mask out the trail i used to get to where i was. took me an extra 45 minutes to get out saf… well, somewhat safely. Not what i had in mind for the first image of the year but it felt great to be out! ISO100|f/11|10secs|16mm Lee 1.2 Soft Gradual Filter was used in this image. Follow me on: Facebook Flickr Instagram

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