Posts Tagged ‘pacific’

After a rather disappointing year of shooting the coast in 2014 I decided to re-emphasize where it all began: coast seascapes. When I first became serious at landscape photography I started with seascapes for their proximity and their difficulty level. With seascapes, one has to constantly be on his/her toes as the conditions are ever-changing and the dynamic seas forces one to practice extreme caution.

In the span of January of 2015 I managed to exceed the number of seascape images I captured in all of 2014 (Yes, my seascapes were that awful last year). Despite my main camera being out of action I still had my old reliable workhorse.

Throughout January the Bay Area has seen its share of beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Aaron and I made our way down to the Santa Cruz coastline to Hole-in-the-Wall beach. The waves this afternoon were some of the largest and most forceful I have seen along the coast. After scouting out a bit I decided to focus on a rocky outcrop at the top of a channel.

All along we saw a gap along the horizon and patiently waited for the sun to set. Shortly after setting, the sun produced the after burn that lit up much of the sky in intense pinks. Short-lived, the peak light lasted no more than 5 minutes but it was long enough for me to capture the right wave action.

The ‘Second Beach’ in Washington during sunset … I was waiting almost a week for this. 😉

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Copyright © 2015 Sven Müller. All rights reserved.

Kind of a snapshot which is quite unusual in comparison to my other photographs (so maybe I’ll delete that photograph later). Anyway, it’s a photograph I really like. I stayed almost a week at the wonderful ‘Second Beach’ in Washington. On one of the sunsets I was walking along the beach and met this couple. They’ve asked me to do a portrait with their smartphone which I gladly did. Then I walked back in direction of the forest to have an overview, stood there a longer time, looking at the scenery and decided to take this snapshot. And I’m glad I did. I guess this young couple was the happiest and the most loving couple which I’ve seen so far. A wonderful scenery. 😉

The full moon sets over the edge of the earth, from Patrick’s Point. This is a 4 shot pano taken vertically with the 14mm Rokinon.

Night descends upon Oregon’s Seal Rocks, and I was lucky enough be there to take it all amid crashing waves, glowing moon, and flocks of gulls. The day was spent mostly checking the weather like a compulsive crackhead and murmuring expletives under our breath at the thick fog. But after stuffing our faces at one of my favorite local seafood shacks, we showed up to find clearing weather and promising conditions.

This is a blend of many different exposures all taken within a minute or two. Two exposures for wave action, an exposure for the sky, a zoomed in exposure for the moon (as it was hardly noticeable in a 14mm shot), and an exposure for the seagulls with the is0 kicked up to 3200 to freeze them in flight. Piecing them together was a little time consuming. As my tripod was sinking in the sand and being moved around by getting drilled by wave after wave, the exposures didn’t line up perfectly, and Photoshop has less than stellar when it came to attempting to auto-align them. So I had to manually align them with some focused warping. Not hard to do, just boring and time consuming.

So anyways, I just recently released a new post-processing instructional video. It’s packed with some unique techniques and theories about processing you may not find anywhere else. People seem to really be enjoying the videos and have had nothing but great things to say, so I *think* they are helping people… it’s been awesome to see the many before/after shots people have been emailing me. Be sure to check the videos out if you are into that sort of thing. It’s all on my website, as well as more photos, photo tour info, processing instruction via Skype like everyone else is doing, etc, etc. Also I have a fun tour scheduled next week with Mark Metternich. One of the attendees suffered an injury this week and had to cancel, so we have one spot left if you want to have some last minute fun!

2015 Tour Schedule
Arctic Light Workshop – With Arild Heitmann (FULL)
Winter Wonderland Workshop – With Mark Metternich
Processing Tutorial Videos
Processing Instruction via Skype

“Best viewed on black!”

This image was taken on the Gaviota Coastline north of Santa Barbara CA. I loved the way the rock formations repeated down the entire beach. During normal or high tide this area of the beach in unreachable and covered under the water. But during low tide the rocks reveal themselves and create almost a completely different beach. I really hope you all enjoy the photo.

Photo taken at Shaw’s Cove – Laguna Beach, CA.

A great little beach on the way out to Point Bonita. The tide was going out and exposed all these small rock formations which made for some interesting compositions. I definitely got a little wet that evening but it only adds to the enjoyment of shooting the sea.

An almost rainbow over Face Rock Beach in Bandon, Oregon at sunrise. I was shooting towards the south when I turned around to see this hint of a rainbow. At first I thought it was just a streak in the sky from a plane or something. When I realized a rainbow was trying to appear, I hopped off the rock I was on and ran over to set up for a nice comp but it quickly fizzled out. I’ve always wanted to catch a rainbow but never do.