Posts Tagged ‘photographers’

If you want to feel comfortable and trust if closer to the Lord


That is what a fellow photographer on location at Sanur said when the other photographers there near the other boat were not budging from the place even after repeated requests. I was anyway composing the shot with them in the frame to lend it more context and story. The others waited for a while and decided to include them in the frame too, with one of them (who was spearheading the whole movement to dislodge these photographers) quipping “well, if you can’t beat them, join them”.. it was so well-timed that all of us bursted out laughing and that line stayed in my mind.. 🙂

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Pigeon. in my balcony. lovely eye she got.

before and after. the after was just edited by me through afterlight so excuse the filter. taken by one of my fave photographers @harley_tiu

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SPROUSE PHOTOGRAPHY Todos los Derechos Reservados © 2013 Fashion Sessions | Alejandra Guaman Photographer: Alejandro Sprouse

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