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Cute Animated Puppy

Cute Animated Puppy

That’s one cute puppy!

Since time immemorial mankind always has been akin to pets whether it is dog, cat, bird, rabbits, hamsters or mouse. Most of us have a thing for cute furry pets with adorable features like affectionate, innocence and playful. Even personality traits play a big role here, such as affectionate, innocence; fragility and playful behavior are considered cute and adorable.

Cuteness is often defined by several factors like small round and soft furry, fluffy body with a disproportionately large head, big eyes and nose. Other physical attributes like their color, size, ears, tail etc. I would even like to introduce another term here to define cuteness and that word is “Kissable”, which defines your pet’s overall cuteness, so is your pet cute enough so that you are obliged to take them in your lap, hug them and even kiss them.

To tell you the truth, I am an avid dog lover and I think dogs are very intelligent, gorgeous, loyal which make them a wonderful friend and companion. But there are other cute pets around as well, who can be a bundle of joy and lift up the mood of the entire household and may be your entire neighborhood.

I am going to discuss some amazing, awesome and cute animals here that will make you astounded, hysterical and crying like “OMG! Awwwwww so cute…….. gotta have one”. So make it a little more interesting and fun, I am going to sort them by their cuteness and give a rank accordingly.

Please keep in mind that although most of the animals featured here can be a gem of a pet but there are a few that are wild and not at all suitable for domestication. So if you are thinking about getting a pet, instead of judging them by their cuteness, please do your homework and try to find out if they are really compatible to you and your lifestyle, maintenance, time and expense or else it may fall out flat and you might have to give it away.


Cute Pet Album




Please don’t forget to comment and tell me how you like it or if you would like to include other cute pets that I might have missed out or you may like to change the order. Better yet, feel free to comment and share with your friends and give those animals a home to call for their own and lots of love and kisses.

Sudip Das