Posts Tagged ‘raptor’

As she was just about to gain elevation from the launch, searching for a new feeding spot, little did she know a pair of preying eyes had been intensely shadowing her every little movement from a nearby tree. A golden window of opportunity finally opened up for the hungry and cold juvenile Red-tailed hawk, who had been hunting to no avail since the break of dawn. Not wasting such an opportunity, the young raptor simply seized the ill-fated female bufflehead in the mid-air without much struggle. It took over three hours for the hawk to devour its fresh catch. Such an adrenaline rush and gruesome scene to witness, yet this is just another typical rule of the wildlife..

A video capture also can be found at Gore warning – Viewer Discretion Advised.

Stellers Sea Eagle, not in the best mood :-), on the drifting ice at Nemuro Strait a few miles Northeast of Rausu on Hokkaido, Japan.

©Harry Eggens

Regards and have a nice evening,


Stellers Sea Eagle, not in the best mood :-), on the drifting ice at Nemuro Strait a few miles Northeast of Rausu on Hokkaido, Japan.

©Harry Eggens

Regards and have a nice evening,


Great gray owl braving a snow storm. One can imagine the force of the wind at the time from the side sweep of his feathers. Then for a second, imagine what my conditions were at the time. On this particular outing, there was no sensation left in the fingers and toes and it took 4 days to return. It was that cold and I was quite well bundled up but … 🙂

Birds of Prey Portraiture

Eagle by coremember123

Posted: April 13, 2014 in nature
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I was very lucky today to get the oportunity to take many photos of this eagle. Such a beautiful bird.

Face portrait of a red fox male, a beautiful forest wild beast. Smart look of a dodgy vulpes, skilled raptor and elegant animal. Cute and cuddly creature.

starting the hunt for some doves with a low flight next to us, Mirabel, Quebec

Bald eagle taking off after grabbing a sculpin out of the shallows