Posts Tagged ‘Red-tailed Hawk’

This is not a happy red-tailed hawk, as he not only misses his prey, but also gets his ” feet” wet.

Captured a local city park, Queens, New York.

This is not a happy red-tailed hawk, as he not only misses his prey, but also gets his ” feet” wet.

Captured a local city park, Queens, New York.

This is not a happy red-tailed hawk, as he not only misses his prey, but also gets his ” feet” wet.

Captured a local city park, Queens, New York.

A very close encounter with a red-tailed hawk. He was in a tree not far away but I never expected him to drop so close to my position. Look at those squirrel killers – not something anyone would want to tangle with. 🙂
Apart from a very minor compositional crop, this is almost full frame.

Adult red-tail leaving his perch.

As she was just about to gain elevation from the launch, searching for a new feeding spot, little did she know a pair of preying eyes had been intensely shadowing her every little movement from a nearby tree. A golden window of opportunity finally opened up for the hungry and cold juvenile Red-tailed hawk, who had been hunting to no avail since the break of dawn. Not wasting such an opportunity, the young raptor simply seized the ill-fated female bufflehead in the mid-air without much struggle. It took over three hours for the hawk to devour its fresh catch. Such an adrenaline rush and gruesome scene to witness, yet this is just another typical rule of the wildlife..

A video capture also can be found at Gore warning – Viewer Discretion Advised.