Posts Tagged ‘reflect’

Surface of Lake Kawaguchi had gently reflect Mt Fuji. Mt Fuji and the yacht began to shine by the calm sunshine. It was very calm winter morning.

Friday was a stunning clear summers evening, and I knew the the glow from the galactic core of the Milky Way would be visible on the horizon around 4am the next morning. It had been a few months since the core was visible in the southern hemisphere night skies, so I headed down to Ocean Beach in the Hawkes Bay region of New Zealand to see what I could capture.

Upon arrival the sky was full of stars, and the bright core of the Milky Way was rising on the horizon to the east. I stood there by a small stream and watched the reflections of the stars on the water, so I set up my tripod and camera to capture this amazing scene in front of me. While I was waiting for the exposures, it gave me time to just look up at the stars and reflect on life – It’s certainly moments like these that makes you appreciate everything around you…

copyright 2015 | Mark Gee |

Friday was a stunning clear summers evening, and I knew the the glow from the galactic core of the Milky Way would be visible on the horizon around 4am the next morning. It had been a few months since the core was visible in the southern hemisphere night skies, so I headed down to Ocean Beach in the Hawkes Bay region of New Zealand to see what I could capture.

Upon arrival the sky was full of stars, and the bright core of the Milky Way was rising on the horizon to the east. I stood there by a small stream and watched the reflections of the stars on the water, so I set up my tripod and camera to capture this amazing scene in front of me. While I was waiting for the exposures, it gave me time to just look up at the stars and reflect on life – It’s certainly moments like these that makes you appreciate everything around you…

copyright 2015 | Mark Gee |

A reflection of the city

Taken in New Zealand Sth Island

Landscape from Amsterdam at sunrise

Model: Naushin Laila

Photographer: Abir hossain noman