Posts Tagged ‘restaurant’

Typical nightscene of my hometown Dordrecht.

Huacachina – The Extraordinary Desert Oasis – Ica, Peru.

During the evening at last September’s Super Art Crawl in downtown Hamilton, Ontario, droves (as many as 100,000 – estimated over 2 days) of people came in to see the art displays, visit galleries, hear live performances and, of course, sample the great food along James Street North. One ‘fortunate’ couple managed to obtain the table in the window at MEX-I-CAN, a popular eatery serving, you guessed it, Mexican cuisine. Given the crowds, I guess you had to take what you could get. At least the food here is worth the downside of being put on display. – JW

Date Taken: 2013-19-14

Tech Details:

This image was processed using HDR software with only a single image. As a result the image is not strictly HDR but is, instead, tone-mapped.

Taken using a hand-held Nikon D7100 fitted with a Nikkor 12-24mm lense set to 19mm, ISO1250 Program mode, f/4.0, 1/30 sec, EV-0.67 exposure bias. HDR processing was done with free Open Source Luminance/Qtpfsgui using the Fattal tone-mapping operator to emphasize colour rather than texture. PP in free Open Source GIMP: adjust tone curve into a classic ‘S’ curve to get a more natural looking tonal range distribution, adjust perspective to remove keystoning, crop to a square format to cut off anything beyond the window frame, adjust contrast slightly, adjust colour balance to reduce green cast in a very mixed lighting environment, sharpen, add fine black and white frame, add bar and text on left, scale to 1800 wide for posting.

Luminance HDR 2.3.0 tonemapping parameters:
Operator: Fattal
Alpha: 1
Beta: 0.9
Color Saturation: 1
Noise Reduction: 0
PreGamma: 1.4

Differents kind of desserts in one dish. Was delicious coulant chocolate, apple pie, cheesecake, etc…

Differents kind of desserts in one dish. Was delicious coulant chocolate, apple pie, cheesecake, etc…

Tsing Tao 4 seasons platter.