Posts Tagged ‘Ringerike’

Winter wonderland…….and darkness is merely the absence of light. The yellow color cast in the bottom right corner is fixed in the high res version.

Have for a long time wanted to make an image like this.

I know I said I wasn’t going to upload pics in a while, but then I earlier today somehow began re-editing this scene from Sept, and, well….anyway it came out better than what I expected so…..hrm…The post processing for those interested:

-Three images -2,0.+2 blended in Ps with the help of luminosity masks. Trees against the sky is always a challenge, but I think they came out okay.
-Topaz Clarity – one of the landscape presets and adjusted some colors (Thanks Wendy)
-Back in Ps a saturation layer – general color increase and took down the blues
-Color Efex pro (tonal contrast, detail extractor, pro contrast)
-Levels adjustment with a luminosity mask to increase the light on the trees – they were a bit dark (Thanks Howard)
-Dodging and burning to further bring out the trees and to give an impression of the direction of the light – one side of the boat was also dodged
-Selective color layer for the whites
-Basic mid-tones curves adjustment (Tony Kuyper action)
-Sharpen layer – High pass 0.8 Blend mode: Vivid light (Thanks Michael)
-Another sharpen layer – high pass 8.0 Blend mode: soft light – brought down the opacity to around 70 on this layer.
-Warping – the boat looked a bit “flat” (Never tried this before)
-Lightroom: fine tuning of crop – exposure – clarity -vibrance – took down the blues again – noise reduction – shadows – highlights

The image is captured with my old camera.