Posts Tagged ‘ruins’

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“…In recognition of the assistance provided by the Japanese government, in 1982 the moai located at the entrance of Tongariki was sent to Japan, as a loan, to be shown at trade shows in Osaka and Tokyo. Because of this epic journey, the islanders began to call it “the traveling moai”. This moai was also one of the ones Thor Heyerdahl used to test his theories on the transportation of moais….”

Extracted from…

Easter Island (Rapa Nui), Isla de Pascua, Region de Valparaiso, Chile


“…En reconocimiento a la ayuda prestada por el gobierno japonés, en 1982, el moai que se encuentra en la entrada de Tongariki, fue enviado a Japón, en calidad de préstamo, para ser expuesto en las ferias industriales de Osaka y Tokio. Debido a este épico viaje, los isleños lo empezaron a llamar “el moai viajero”. Fue también este moai uno de los que usó Thor Heyerdahl para probar sus teorías sobre el transporte de los moais…”

Extraído desde…

Isla de Pascua (Rapa Nui), Isla de Pascua, Region de Valparaiso, Chile

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Constructed 1927 finished in 1954

Tulum by yuritz

Posted: February 12, 2014 in travel
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One of the most beautiful and better preserved mayan site of the mexican coast,a truly gem

“Ancient Ruins V2”

Subtle reprocess with web sharpening 🙂

Mono lake is one of my favorite places to shoot the night sky. This image is a single exposure with some light painting to bring out the details in the Tufa formations.

To see more please visit:

Sky: 30SEC F/2.8 ISO3200
Canon 6D, Rokinon 14MM F/2.8

Tikal – December 28: Ancient Mayan ruins in Tikal Guatemala. Guatemala, December 28, 2013.

The Maya site of Kabah is to the south of Uxmal, and is connected to that city by a grand 18 km long raised pedestrian causeway 5 meters wide with monumental arches at each end. Kabah is the second largest ruin of the Puuc region after Uxmal.