Posts Tagged ‘Seastack’

Last week, I was treated to the best sunset I have ever seen. The sky was gray and gloomy the whole day but Jeff Lewis predicted that the sky would look quite different soon. We departed from UCLA and made an impromptu trip out to El Matador Beach in Malibu. This is what we saw next. Though I had to leave school, put on hold important work, and change my plans around, I had no regrets. This scene has created a memory that I will never forget and will continue to enjoy for a long time.

Predicted by #escaype


Watching the tides at sunset is something I find hard to put into words. Seascape photography has really only been a huge part of portfolio for about a year or so. But I have had a strong connection with the ocean my entire life. The beach is where I do a lot of thinking and where I go to relieve stress, in a way seascape photography is like meditation for me.

Beaches seem to change day by day, progressing tides covering and revealing new formations. Every wave crash having a slightly different shape and a different form. Every time I revisit a costal location, I always find something new or something that I might have missed the first time around.

This specific photo has been on my list to capture for a long time, I kept visiting this beach getting poor conditions every single attempt. However this time I finally got some light that complimented the composition and fulfilled the vision I had for the photograph.

I really hope you all enjoy the photograph, thanks so much for checking it out.

I took this last month as last minute as it could possibly have been. I was actually drinking some beers at The Bruery in Placentia with my girlfriend and our friends and watching the rain pour down outside. I was debating whether or not to head to the coast and shoot what could be a potentially good sunset. After all just because it was pouring down rain in Placentia did not mean it had not partially cleared toward the coast. I was messaging Daniel Ryan Seeks who was in the same boat. We were both procrastinating like crazy. Finally I made my decision and jumped in my car and headed to Corona Del Mar. Daniel did the same and we got there just in time. As I was getting ready to head down to the beach I heard my last name being called and knew it had to be Leigh Anne Langman. Sure enough she got there at the same time. She was a tad bit more prepared then I however and headed down to the beach first. Point of fact we all missed some really stellar light and color, but caught the tail end of what was a rather impressive sunset.
Some of you have already seen my first posted shot from this evening titled FireWater.
That was taken a bit later than this shot and has a slightly different feel to it. I hope you all enjoy this one as well!

I took this last month as last minute as it could possibly have been. I was actually drinking some beers at The Bruery in Placentia with my girlfriend and our friends and watching the rain pour down outside. I was debating whether or not to head to the coast and shoot what could be a potentially good sunset. After all just because it was pouring down rain in Placentia did not mean it had not partially cleared toward the coast. I was messaging Daniel Ryan Seeks who was in the same boat. We were both procrastinating like crazy. Finally I made my decision and jumped in my car and headed to Corona Del Mar. Daniel did the same and we got there just in time. As I was getting ready to head down to the beach I heard my last name being called and knew it had to be Leigh Anne Langman. Sure enough she got there at the same time. She was a tad bit more prepared then I however and headed down to the beach first. Point of fact we all missed some really stellar light and color, but caught the tail end of what was a rather impressive sunset.
Some of you have already seen my first posted shot from this evening titled FireWater.
That was taken a bit later than this shot and has a slightly different feel to it. I hope you all enjoy this one as well!