Posts Tagged ‘shutter’

Alien Invasion .- #Fineart

Composite Image,I dint really know what to do with the foreground image I had.I had a dream of a light burst hitting my eyes.I woke up thinking why not to just try something fun & creative .
Foreground Image shot @ Uttan,Maharashthra,INDIA.

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Alien Invasion .- #Fineart

Composite Image,I dint really know what to do with the foreground image I had.I had a dream of a light burst hitting my eyes.I woke up thinking why not to just try something fun & creative .
Foreground Image shot @ Uttan,Maharashthra,INDIA.

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Hungarian Parliament Building

Escalators turn into sliding slippery slopes. I love it!

Der Stᅢᄈrilᅢᆭkur (groᅢ゚er Bach) stᅢᄐrzt ᅢᄐber eine Felskante, die von Basaltsᅢᄂulen wie Orgelpfeifen eingerahmt wird und flieᅢ゚t weiter ins Vestragil (Westschlucht). Flussabwᅢᄂrts folgen der Magnᅢᄎsarfoss, Hundafoss und ᅢ゙jᅢ빼ᄚafoss. Wie der Name des Flusses vermuten lᅢᄂsst, ist es kein mᅢᄂchtiger, wasserreicher Wasserfall.