Posts Tagged ‘Sierras’

I just got back from two weeks in the eastern Sierra and Death Valley. It was definitely one of my favorite trips to date, not the most productive ever, but it was absoutley beautiful area to explore. I found this composition at Mono Lake on the second night of my trip and was determined to shoot it. It wasn’t until the third night that I was able to get the right combination of sky and lack of other photographers in the frame to pull it off. 5 shots for the focus blend, but I was able to use a single exposure thanks to the incredible dynamic range of the D800. I used some new processing techniques to achieve my vision and I have to say I am pretty happy with how it came out. Which is rare usually I feel like I kind of blow it when it comes to processing. Anyway thanks for stopping by and putting up with my yammering and please view this on BLACK!

Searching Somewhere…

Taken between the Inyo and Sierra mountain ranges on an unforgettable roadtrip. For the last two summers I have taken a couple weeks to fly from Toronto to California to experience and capture some of the beauty that lies there. After shooting up in the Bristlecone Pines near Patriarch Grove, I drove down the mountain in the middle of the night to capture a time-lapse here. This place was hot, lonely, and quiet.

I set up my 1DX to shoot a time-lapse sequence while I took this vertical shot with my 6D. Then I set my 6D shooting as well and waited for 2 or 3 hours. Once finished, I grabbed my gear, drove a little down the road, pulled over, and climbed into the back of my Yukon for some zzz’s. I slept until the hot sun crested the mountains to the east and roasted me out of the truck.

Searching Somewhere…

Taken between the Inyo and Sierra mountain ranges on an unforgettable roadtrip. For the last two summers I have taken a couple weeks to fly from Toronto to California to experience and capture some of the beauty that lies there. After shooting up in the Bristlecone Pines near Patriarch Grove, I drove down the mountain in the middle of the night to capture a time-lapse here. This place was hot, lonely, and quiet.

I set up my 1DX to shoot a time-lapse sequence while I took this vertical shot with my 6D. Then I set my 6D shooting as well and waited for 2 or 3 hours. Once finished, I grabbed my gear, drove a little down the road, pulled over, and climbed into the back of my Yukon for some zzz’s. I slept until the hot sun crested the mountains to the east and roasted me out of the truck.

For the lunar eclipse on April 14/15, I headed up to Donner Peak (8019 ft / 2444 m) in the Sierras. I wanted a location where I could have a view of a big landscape, and also a place where the view wasn’t blocked by tall trees (an issue in the area near my house about an hour away). I wasn’t interested in close-up shots of the moon, but wanted to show the sequence of the eclipse over the landscape where I was viewing it. This is what I had in mind when I set out to shoot the eclipse, though the Donner Summit location was a last minute decision that worked out better than I expected.