Posts Tagged ‘skåne’

Please view Oresund Debrezzzyyy

Here is another one from last week & some may be curious as to why I have named it as such. Well I’m not entirely sure where the expression dbreezied originated? & I could be wrong, but think it may have emanated from one of the plethora of amazing pacific northwest photographers in the states.
Its often tagged along side images when one is sulking & shedding a tear over missing a sunset only viewed from their offices, or cars or somewhere they would much rather not be!
But in this instance I was not dbreezied! & kind of makes up for the epic one I missed some weeks back & skulked over in my back garden.
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Please view Bokskogen Guardian on Black

Found this grand old Oak? tree in a forest about 20mins drive from me & just loved the way it took an almost honorary position guarding in between much healthier family members.
Ohh & yes its another one from Christmas day …i got very lucky that day & after relentless weeks of rain & just grey skies I was glad !

Stay up to date at with the latest at Visit EyeOfAlens

Please view Oresund Resting 3 on BLACK

This one is from early last summer, when natures gods broke free & remained like this for an incredible hr or more . Haven’t shared this particular composition before, but similar & longer exposures.

If you like my visions come & visit me on FB & stay up to date with the latest photographic sojourns
Visit EyeOfAlens

Please view Oresund Resting 3 on BLACK

This one is from early last summer, when natures gods broke free & remained like this for an incredible hr or more . Haven’t shared this particular composition before, but similar & longer exposures.

If you like my visions come & visit me on FB & stay up to date with the latest photographic sojourns
Visit EyeOfAlens

Fields of Vhen

Please view the Hunting Stand on BLACK

Another image from christmas day in Bokskogen forest Torup Skåne Sweden

In retrospect I wish id done things a little differently whilst here & in composition with the hunting stand.
Nonetheless I’m happy with the result.

If you like my visions come & visit me on FB & stay up to date with the latest photographic sojourns
Visit EyeOfAlens

Best viewed on BLACK

A couple of kayakers enjoying an evening paddle on Malmo’s canal
with the sun guiding their way .

Outside Helsingborg, summer 2013

via Flickr