Posts Tagged ‘skye’

**Please view on black**

After a day driving around Skye on a photography mission i was treated to this sunset at Talisker bay (which balanced the 2:00am wake up and 400 mile journey 🙂 )

Black and white sands combine to create a surreal landscape at on of the most beautiful locations I’ve ever been too.

*repost due to wrong file size uploaded last time :/

Moody weather at Elgol beach on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

A wonderful sunset in one of my favourite places all over the world.

A shard of light illuminating the Old Man of Storr on a Stormy winter day on Skye. I loved being out in the ever changing conditions and this was one of the best images of the morning after a hike up in the pooring rain!

The Storr is the craggy summit atop the grand cliffs behind the famous pinnacle of the Old Man of Storr. Its ascent escapes from the busiest paths round the Old Man and offers spectacular views. Park at the Storr car park in the forested part of the road – there are normally several cars parked here, and there is more space in the lay-by The path starts through the canopied gate by the interpretative boards.lovely place for walk

Scotland is wonderful also under an heavy, unstoppable rain.

Scotland is wonderful also under an heavy, unstoppable rain.