Posts Tagged ‘slowshutter’

Alien Invasion .- #Fineart

Composite Image,I dint really know what to do with the foreground image I had.I had a dream of a light burst hitting my eyes.I woke up thinking why not to just try something fun & creative .
Foreground Image shot @ Uttan,Maharashthra,INDIA.

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Alien Invasion .- #Fineart

Composite Image,I dint really know what to do with the foreground image I had.I had a dream of a light burst hitting my eyes.I woke up thinking why not to just try something fun & creative .
Foreground Image shot @ Uttan,Maharashthra,INDIA.

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Fire at Camp Cove || Camp Cove – Watson’s Bay, New South Wales, Australia – More photos on my Facebook Page or Instagram @jasoncrowellphoto

A view to remember on the shores of the Sydney Harbor. Camp Cove is a photographers paradise!

Thanks for all the support and feel free to share your thoughts!

Any feedback is welcome!

The waterfalls of Bali, in black and white.

Waves have always had a enormous calming effect on me, spending my days in or around the ocean is my way of relieving stress and rejuvenating myself. My happy place 🙂

Northern Beaches Sunrise – Sydney

I’ve long considered this one of my favorite images, and after many months of learning a lot about post work I wanted to take a stab at re-editing this. I’m much happier with this version – it has a lot less of that ‘HDR tone compression’ look to it since this was done using manual layer-merging in Photoshop and color/clarity tweaking per-layer in Lightroom.

Shot taken on a very cold walk!!

via Flickr