Posts Tagged ‘SLT-A99’

Longitude Building, Mann Island, Liverpool, Merseyside, England –

Hope you all had a great weekend.

My second photo from my trip to Liverpool last week and this is the Longitude Building on Mann Island in Liverpool. The original intention was to do a long exposure on the building which I did manage to get but just didn’t work. Although there was a lot of clouds as you can see in this image they tend to blur out during a LE image as they were so fine in detail and there was not much in the way of breaks in the clouds.

It took me a little while to get this all lined up perfectly as you can see the lefthand side of the building is slightly different to the right hand side, something that messed with my eyes even with the Live View and EVF my Sony A99 has. I bet a looked like a bit of an idiot scrambling around on my knees trying to get it all lined up, but which photographer hasn’t does this? Come on own up ;-).

I just love the craftsmanship of this building, looks very well put together and all those lines really attracted me to it but my favourite part has got to be those reflections off the glass. I keep finding myself looking at them.

Have a great Monday!

Tate Britain, London, England –

I decided to visit to the Tate Britain Art gallery after seeing some fantastic images from some of my Flickr contacts. This is a first time visit to here and I really enjoyed the visit, not just for the building itself but also for the art.

This is an image of the brand new staircase within the central hall of the Tate Britain which was only unveiled in November 2013 and I must say its fantastic. I really like the whole ‘high key’ feel to the place and this staircase, feels very clean and some would say clinical. This type of decoration and architecture always lends itself well to black and white photography hence the reason why I did this in black and white.

The staircase itself was a little difficult to shoot in the way of getting lined up, it does have some unusual shapes and angles not normally associated to spiral staircases. The bit I found most awkward to get lined up and make ‘feel’ right in the image is that bottom bit of the photo and the tiles at the bottom but I think I have managed to get it just so and ascetically pleasing to the eye.