Posts Tagged ‘small’

Parents hold their child for a moment, but their heart for a lifetime.

Northern Pygmy Owl

Men stumble over pebbles, never over mountains. – Marilyn French

Daily Meditation: One of the reasons actions are so important is because they are the only way we have to express the world in our heads in the world outside it. Actions are the furthest progression of thought and each represents a choice. In fact, despite our insistence to the contrary our actions are one of the only things in life we can control. This coupled with the impermanent nature of all things means our actions are also our only true possessions. They are the only thing we can ever actually own. We are the sum of the choices, or actions, we make. As we begin to accept these truths we are compelled to accept responsibility for our lives. Our happiness and success are in our own hands. There is no one else steering our ship. Along with this responsibility comes a sense of empowerment. A sense that we can determine our own destiny. If we are not satisfied with the direction we are headed we can change course. We can start over. We don’t have to react to life. The only things holding us back are our fear and lack of humility. Fear of change and our inability to admit that what we had been doing wasn’t working. However, it is not enough to simply know this. Knowing something intellectually is easy. However, knowing it deep down inside of us; making that knowledge part of who we are is more challenging. Acting upon it is a choice. We sear this knowledge within by meditating on the aforementioned truths and incorporating them into our personal ethos. By reprogramming how we view our life and our mobility within it. We act upon it by creating daily, small, easily accomplished tasks that direct us to our desired destination. We shed mental clutter and develope routines that focus our mind and fuel our motivation. Life is not a sprint, its a marathon and with a thousand steps strung together we can reach the fulfillment of self actualization. But first you must choose to act. There is no reason to wait. We all have a set number of breaths. You have no way to know how many you have left, but you do get to decide how you use them. Choose to spend them acting.

Posted: April 16, 2014 in dailyquote, IFTT, small
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Daily Meditation:

One of the reasons actions are so important is because they are the only way we have to express the world in our heads in the world outside it. Actions are the furthest progression of thought and each represents a choice. In fact, despite our insistence to the contrary our actions are one of the only things in life we can control. This coupled with the impermanent nature of all things means our actions are also our only true possessions. They are the only thing we can ever actually own. We are the sum of the choices, or actions, we make.

As we begin to accept these truths we are compelled to accept responsibility for our lives. Our happiness and success are in our own hands. There is no one else steering our ship. Along with this responsibility comes a sense of empowerment. A sense that we can determine our own destiny. If we are not satisfied with the direction we are headed we can change course. We can start over. We don’t have to react to life. The only things holding us back are our fear and lack of humility. Fear of change and our inability to admit that what we had been doing wasn’t working.

However, it is not enough to simply know this. Knowing something intellectually is easy. However, knowing it deep down inside of us; making that knowledge part of who we are is more challenging. Acting upon it is a choice. We sear this knowledge within by meditating on the aforementioned truths and incorporating them into our personal ethos. By reprogramming how we view our life and our mobility within it. We act upon it by creating daily, small, easily accomplished tasks that direct us to our desired destination. We shed mental clutter and develope routines that focus our mind and fuel our motivation.

Life is not a sprint, its a marathon and with a thousand steps strung together we can reach the fulfillment of self actualization. But first you must choose to act. There is no reason to wait. We all have a set number of breaths. You have no way to know how many you have left, but you do get to decide how you use them. Choose to spend them acting.

Daily Meditation: One of the reasons actions are so important is because they are the only way we have to express the world in our heads in the world outside it. Actions are the furthest progression of thought and each represents a choice. In fact, despite our insistence to the contrary our actions are one of the only things in life we can control. This coupled with the impermanent nature of all things means our actions are also our only true possessions. They are the only thing we can ever actually own. We are the sum of the choices, or actions, we make. As we begin to accept these truths we are compelled to accept responsibility for our lives. Our happiness and success are in our own hands. There is no one else steering our ship. Along with this responsibility comes a sense of empowerment. A sense that we can determine our own destiny. If we are not satisfied with the direction we are headed we can change course. We can start over. We don’t have to react to life. The only things holding us back are our fear and lack of humility. Fear of change and our inability to admit that what we had been doing wasn’t working. However, it is not enough to simply know this. Knowing something intellectually is easy. However, knowing it deep down inside of us; making that knowledge part of who we are is more challenging. Acting upon it is a choice. We sear this knowledge within by meditating on the aforementioned truths and incorporating them into our personal ethos. By reprogramming how we view our life and our mobility within it. We act upon it by creating daily, small, easily accomplished tasks that direct us to our desired destination. We shed mental clutter and develope routines that focus our mind and fuel our motivation. Life is not a sprint, its a marathon and with a thousand steps strung together we can reach the fulfillment of self actualization. But first you must choose to act. There is no reason to wait. We all have a set number of breaths. You have no way to know how many you have left, but you do get to decide how you use them. Choose to spend them acting.

Posted: April 16, 2014 in dailyquote, IFTT, small
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Daily Meditation:

One of the reasons actions are so important is because they are the only way we have to express the world in our heads in the world outside it. Actions are the furthest progression of thought and each represents a choice. In fact, despite our insistence to the contrary our actions are one of the only things in life we can control. This coupled with the impermanent nature of all things means our actions are also our only true possessions. They are the only thing we can ever actually own. We are the sum of the choices, or actions, we make.

As we begin to accept these truths we are compelled to accept responsibility for our lives. Our happiness and success are in our own hands. There is no one else steering our ship. Along with this responsibility comes a sense of empowerment. A sense that we can determine our own destiny. If we are not satisfied with the direction we are headed we can change course. We can start over. We don’t have to react to life. The only things holding us back are our fear and lack of humility. Fear of change and our inability to admit that what we had been doing wasn’t working.

However, it is not enough to simply know this. Knowing something intellectually is easy. However, knowing it deep down inside of us; making that knowledge part of who we are is more challenging. Acting upon it is a choice. We sear this knowledge within by meditating on the aforementioned truths and incorporating them into our personal ethos. By reprogramming how we view our life and our mobility within it. We act upon it by creating daily, small, easily accomplished tasks that direct us to our desired destination. We shed mental clutter and develope routines that focus our mind and fuel our motivation.

Life is not a sprint, its a marathon and with a thousand steps strung together we can reach the fulfillment of self actualization. But first you must choose to act. There is no reason to wait. We all have a set number of breaths. You have no way to know how many you have left, but you do get to decide how you use them. Choose to spend them acting.

You are not alone.

#weekyfluff | #tb to the first day I came home!! Wasn’t I so small back then? #throwbackthursday #tbt

via Flickr

The confidence of this 2mm jumping spider was incredible. She was so interested in my lens that she spent a good 15 minutes jumping between my lens, camera bag and other gear. She was very cute though.

Kikar Kdumim, centre of old Jaffa