Posts Tagged ‘spanien’

“From the viewpoint of Piedrasluengas, in the confines of the mountains of Palencia, stands a rocky wall that is jealous of the Cantabrian Sea.
That’s why they are so high, so you can not see the sea”.

Picos de Europa from the mountains of Palencia.

Again I raise this photo in HD resolution


“Desde el mirador de Piedrasluengas, en los confines de la Montaña Palentina, se alza una muralla celosa del Mar Cantábrico. De ahí su desmesurada verticalidad, para que no puedas verlo”.

Picos de Europa desde la Montaña Palentina.

Vuelvo a subir esta foto en resolución HD

Evening walk around the port in Aviles.

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On the way to Bilbao airport passed though a road and found this surprising scene. So just took some shots from the moving car through window glass. Outside temperature was 2 degree centigrade.

Thank you very much for your visit!
If you wish, you could “LIKE” my FB page.