Posts Tagged ‘stars’

It was the coldest night of the year so far in New Zealand and my idiot brain decided this was a good night to go shoot the Milky Way – I love the actual photo, but lost my hat (blown over the sheer cliff face in front of me in this picture)

Taken just outside the door of my dear friend Thrasivoulos Panou .
I dedicate it to him and his love for the dark skies of Rhodes!!!

Taylor Photography – Workshops – Prints – Presentations

The photogenic core section of the Milky Way has started its late Winter ascent into the night sky. Here you can see the Great Dark Horse, one of the most recognizable features of our galaxy, making its way above the horizon at Marshall Point Lighthouse. This image was captured just after moonset and shortly before sunrise on February 1 during the blue hour. Milky Way season has officially started.

Spots in our Spring Night Photography Workshops are filling up. We are offering two workshops at Marshall Point during Spring 2015 and we will be adding a couple more over the Summer months. Check out our website for more info.

© Mike Taylor | Taylor Photography

Taylor Photography – Workshops – Prints – Presentations

The photogenic core section of the Milky Way has started its late Winter ascent into the night sky. Here you can see the Great Dark Horse, one of the most recognizable features of our galaxy, making its way above the horizon at Marshall Point Lighthouse. This image was captured just after moonset and shortly before sunrise on February 1 during the blue hour. Milky Way season has officially started.

Spots in our Spring Night Photography Workshops are filling up. We are offering two workshops at Marshall Point during Spring 2015 and we will be adding a couple more over the Summer months. Check out our website for more info.

© Mike Taylor | Taylor Photography

“Best viewed on black”
The stars above seemed to cast an eerie glow on this stream in the backcountry of Olympic National Park.
Shot is composed of several 15 second exposures bracketed for depth of field.
Thanks for viewing.

Mountain hut – Ausserfern – Tirol – Austria

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75 x 25sec star trails taken at Lochard Gorge, Port Campbell, Australia.

The Mily Way @ ‘Parador de las Cañadas del Teide’


This composition may look familiar, I recently posted a sunset shot from this vantage. I decided to go back out after the stars emerged to shoot the very same scene. Wandering through cholla filled landscapes in the dark is not an easy task, even with a headlamp. Often times, the light shining on them will make them appear as stones in the distance. Lucky me however, I can manage my way around some dense cholla cacti in daylight and in the dark. I found my composition, and kept firing off some frames. Venus began rising behind the peaks and gave off some light of it’s own during the long exposures. The desert at night is such a surreal place. The howl of coyotes off in the distance made it even more so. This was a blend of multiple exposures to keep detail throughout the frame.