Posts Tagged ‘sunsetforecasting’

Probably the best sunset this winter in Northern California. I was lucky to witness it in person.

[please view on black, of course!]
After 21 years of growing up in Los Angeles, and hardly getting to see any incredible sunsets due to nearly constant boring weather, and being stuck on UCLA’s campus for most of the good ones because I didn’t have a car… I finally got to see three jaw-dropping ones when I visited this past weekend. I’d planned this trip just to meet up with friends, but… they understood why they had to wait 😉

A few minutes later, the sun disappeared and the sky erupted into the most spectacular colors I think I’ve ever seen… that image is coming soon (but many of you have seen a phone preview). This is a single exposure from my Canon 6D.

this colorful sunset was forecasted two days in advance by #escaype 🙂

This is an image that I’m really excited to share with you all. It’s a single exposure from Martin’s Beach a few weeks ago. Hope you enjoy!

This beautiful sunset was forecasted by #escaype 🙂