Posts Tagged ‘tall’

I spent a few days in the extreme cold exploring Jasper National Park. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit this park numerous times before in the summer but never in the winter and was not at all prepared for what awaited me.

The grander of mother natures frozen artistry in the winter is honestly awe-inspiring and something that photos can simply not come close to representing accurately.

Maligne Canyon measures over 160 feet deep. In the summer months this Canyon is home to waterfalls and rushing currents but in the winter the frozen canyon floor becomes a magical world of unimaginable ice formations.

The inclusion of a human element in this image is a unique approach for my landscape photography but an intentional attempt to give some perspective to an inconceivably amazing scene.

I’m now in Calgary resting with a bottle of Wyndham Estate Australian Merlot and reflecting back over a year that was. 2014 redefined a lot for me and has left me in a place to really move forward from. I am genuinely looking forward to what 2015 has to offer. From a professional and personal standpoint I have a good feeling for this year and am excited for the things that I do not yet know.

In the words of the great father of photography, Ansel Adams:

“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration”.

So here’s to a year of new worlds, undiscovered and re-discovered.

Not too bad a view from my hotel room in Dubai

Sequoia National Park, Ca.

While camping in Sequoia National Park last year my wife and I woke up to a foot of fresh snow. Perfect for a less crowded park and a some different scenery.

Here she stopped to check out the sheer immensity of the giant sequoias while I snapped a shot.

Sequoia National Park, Ca.

While camping in Sequoia National Park last year my wife and I woke up to a foot of fresh snow. Perfect for a less crowded park and a some different scenery.

Here she stopped to check out the sheer immensity of the giant sequoias while I snapped a shot.

I don’t know, ‘mans’ creation is cool and all, but I still think nature and God’s creation is better. High Quality:

I shot this last fall when I got to revisit a place I lived many years ago. Much of the place, including these old silos, is largely abandoned now, but some of it remains almost exactly as I remember it and going back was very nice.

Lone tree near Oxburgh Hall in Back and White

HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM – FEB 5: Night view of Business and Administrative Center of Ho Chi Minh city on Saigon riverbank on Feb 5, 2014

Not a great composition. But I was there at that time and had to shoot something. Got the idea of using my car to create light trails. Took me a couple of few times, driving up and down, until I got this.

3 Exposures. Digital Blending.

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Hong Kong city skyline at night over Victoria Harbor with clear sky and urban scrapers.

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