Posts Tagged ‘The Story’

The Story, p. 4/4 [END]: “…but you can’t forget your voice: how it carried your body home when it washed onto shore, lifeless and bloated; how it spoke for you when your tears spilled over and drowned you in the first place; how it trembles telling the story of how you survived and crawled home, even with a war splitting open the chambers of your heart. I want THAT story. Should you ever need an audience, I promise to listen.” #RaychelleDuazo | Even now, my experience at #VONA fills me with warmth, inspiration, unwavering courage, hope, and the yearning to tell my story. This page documents some highlights from my week in #Berkeley: getting lost on UCB’s campus; participating in a book reading/sharing my work, and lastly, a group presentation me and my workshop did in front of tons of people (if you wanna watch it, I have an FB link – lmk, it’s really funny, entertaining, and sincere)! I am so grateful to the people who encouraged and continue to encourage me in finding my voice. You are the greatest. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ #summerofberkeley

Posted: September 3, 2014 in dailyquote, hope, IFTT, inspiration
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The Story, p. 4/4 [END]: “…but you can’t forget your voice: how it carried your body home when it washed onto shore, lifeless and bloated; how it spoke for you when your tears spilled over and drowned you in the first place; how it trembles telling the story of how you survived and crawled home, even with a war splitting open the chambers of your heart. I want THAT story. Should you ever need an audience, I promise to listen.” #RaychelleDuazo | Even now, my experience at #VONA fills me with warmth, inspiration, unwavering courage, hope, and the yearning to tell my story. This page documents some highlights from my week in #Berkeley: getting lost on UCB’s campus; participating in a book reading/sharing my work, and lastly, a group presentation me and my workshop did in front of tons of people (if you wanna watch it, I have an FB link – lmk, it’s really funny, entertaining, and sincere)! I am so grateful to the people who encouraged and continue to encourage me in finding my voice. You are the greatest. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ #summerofberkeley

The Story, p. 4/4 [END]: “…but you can’t forget your voice: how it carried your body home when it washed onto shore, lifeless and bloated; how it spoke for you when your tears spilled over and drowned you in the first place; how it trembles telling the story of how you survived and crawled home, even with a war splitting open the chambers of your heart. I want THAT story. Should you ever need an audience, I promise to listen.” #RaychelleDuazo | Even now, my experience at #VONA fills me with warmth, inspiration, unwavering courage, hope, and the yearning to tell my story. This page documents some highlights from my week in #Berkeley: getting lost on UCB’s campus; participating in a book reading/sharing my work, and lastly, a group presentation me and my workshop did in front of tons of people (if you wanna watch it, I have an FB link – lmk, it’s really funny, entertaining, and sincere)! I am so grateful to the people who encouraged and continue to encourage me in finding my voice. You are the greatest. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ #summerofberkeley

Posted: September 3, 2014 in dailyquote, hope, IFTT, inspiration
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Story, p. 4/4 [END]: “…but you can’t forget your voice: how it carried your body home when it washed onto shore, lifeless and bloated; how it spoke for you when your tears spilled over and drowned you in the first place; how it trembles telling the story of how you survived and crawled home, even with a war splitting open the chambers of your heart. I want THAT story. Should you ever need an audience, I promise to listen.” #RaychelleDuazo | Even now, my experience at #VONA fills me with warmth, inspiration, unwavering courage, hope, and the yearning to tell my story. This page documents some highlights from my week in #Berkeley: getting lost on UCB’s campus; participating in a book reading/sharing my work, and lastly, a group presentation me and my workshop did in front of tons of people (if you wanna watch it, I have an FB link – lmk, it’s really funny, entertaining, and sincere)! I am so grateful to the people who encouraged and continue to encourage me in finding my voice. You are the greatest. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ #summerofberkeley

The Story, p. 3/4: “I am aware that this box is heavy. If you unpack your burdens onto pages, I promise to listen: all the hurt that rendered you bruised knees and scarred arms; all the people that dragged you back into childhood, screaming and helpless; all the neglect that told you: “No one will ever love you.” I, too, have lived in emergency, have traced the flatline like a route to death, and I can’t tell you if that sense of urgency that has followed you always will…” #RaychelleDuazo | You can’t ever run fast enough, y’know? ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ #flatlines #senseofurgency

The Story, p. 3/4: “I am aware that this box is heavy. If you unpack your burdens onto pages, I promise to listen: all the hurt that rendered you bruised knees and scarred arms; all the people that dragged you back into childhood, screaming and helpless; all the neglect that told you: “No one will ever love you.” I, too, have lived in emergency, have traced the flatline like a route to death, and I can’t tell you if that sense of urgency that has followed you always will…” #RaychelleDuazo | You can’t ever run fast enough, y’know? ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿƒ #flatlines #senseofurgency