Posts Tagged ‘tj thorne’

Please view this on black by clicking the photo. Thanks! Living here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the USA is awesome. But it also has it’s downfalls. One being that there is SO MUCH awesomeness and SO MUCH natural diversity that it’s hard to decide where to go and what to do. It’s DEBILITATING. It also doesn’t help that I’m one of the most easygoing ‘down for whatever’ dudes out there… much to my girlfriends dismay. It also doesn’t help that when we finally decide where we’re going and what we’re doing that I completely hijack the itinerary, ignore her while i’m in my ‘ZONE’, and get lost in creating photos. She’s a good sport and I greatly appreciate her support of my work and isn’t bothered that this all happens. She’s also the most beautiful girl in the world.. so win win win for me. The day I took this photo… it was a beautiful, sunny day. One of th first ones that we had in a while. The ideas started to roll. Shold we go to the coast? The mountains? The high desert? The gorge? Waterfalls? Streams? Vistas? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!? We just got in the car and drove… that way. And then we turned down.. this street.. and that street. It finally became time to do my typical hijack. ‘Hey babe.. I think we’re by this one place. Let’s go.’ And we did. Conditions weren’t necessarily epic this day. There were a lot of people out and I did a lot of waiting and ‘get out of MY PHOTO’ thinking as people admired the pretty awesome view from the bridge. But it was beautiful. The water is a sexy blue/green color and it really made me want to go swimming. I spent a lot of time on this photo. More than I care to admit. There are some sexy streaks from the 6 second exposure and bubbles floating downstream that I was really attached to. I wanted to bring them out in the photo but it was difficult to separate the tonality of them from the surrounding water so that I could dodge them and have them still look natural. I guess I’ve been in a processing rut and even debated (and was talked into) not releasing this one. ‘There’s too much water’ they said. ‘You have better photos out there’ they said. But I guess this one is for me. So I cropped the bottom third-ish of the frame and polished it off. You have those sometimes. I hope you enjoy it.