Posts Tagged ‘transportation’

This is a Yorkdale subway station in Toronto.
I was using Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 16-35 EF f2:8L USM II, Manfrotto tripod, f22, 6 different exposures processed in Photomatix Pro, B&W conversation added in Colour Effex Pro – CEP 3.0, processed in Silver effex Pro 2, reduce noise in Topaz DeNoise and completed work in Photoshop CS5.

This is a Yorkdale subway station in Toronto.
I was using Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 16-35 EF f2:8L USM II, Manfrotto tripod, f22, 6 different exposures processed in Photomatix Pro, B&W conversation added in Colour Effex Pro – CEP 3.0, processed in Silver effex Pro 2, reduce noise in Topaz DeNoise and completed work in Photoshop CS5.

Rotterdam , the city of transport over water

As one of the biggest harbours of the world , and divided by the river Nieuwe Maas , Rotterdam has much transport over water, container ships , cruise ships , you name it , they’ve got it.
This picture was taken from the middle of the Erasmus bridge and as partial skyline one can see , amongst others , De Rotterdam.

Railway area at night, Denmark

Footbridge over the Vltava river in Davle in Czech Republic

Footbridge over the Vltava river in Davle in Czech Republic

a boat at Semawang Beach, Sanur – Bali

in Balneário Camboriú, BRAZIL