Posts Tagged ‘unique’

I just got back from two weeks in the eastern Sierra and Death Valley. It was definitely one of my favorite trips to date, not the most productive ever, but it was absoutley beautiful area to explore. I found this composition at Mono Lake on the second night of my trip and was determined to shoot it. It wasn’t until the third night that I was able to get the right combination of sky and lack of other photographers in the frame to pull it off. 5 shots for the focus blend, but I was able to use a single exposure thanks to the incredible dynamic range of the D800. I used some new processing techniques to achieve my vision and I have to say I am pretty happy with how it came out. Which is rare usually I feel like I kind of blow it when it comes to processing. Anyway thanks for stopping by and putting up with my yammering and please view this on BLACK!

My next photo from the Baffin Island Photo Adventure 2014 aims to show a desolated beauty of the valley that leads to the legendary peak, Mt. Thor. During my stay in the Summit Lake area, I spent many hours hiking and scrambling, looking for the best views. I found this composition while wandering on the NW slopes of the valley. The size of the valley itself is immense. To give you a sense of perspective, the bottom of the valley sits at about 300 meters above the sea level and the surrounding peaks reach around 2000 meters. For example: two peaks visible on the right hand side of the photo are Mt. Northumbria (1911 meters) and Mt. Odin (2143m). It took me about 3 hours to hike from this point where I was shooting to the base of Mt. Thor. My goal while shooting this composition was to showcase the landscape in its changing season, from fall to winter. I found few patches of Arctic cotton; just below the snow level and it added a season changing feel to this composition. The photo was taken during the sunset. The soft, peach-hued light gives an impression of warm, golden-like fall weather conditions. But don’t be mistaken. The temperature was already below the freezing point.

Note: Via this photo and some others presented here on 500px I invite all interested for the Baffin Island Photo Adventure with me that will happen in August 2015. For details, please email:

Technical note: This is a single exposure shot with Nikon D810.

Mother nature as it’s finest, with an ” island of civilisation in the sky ” ! as Nathaniel Merz said .. what an epic fairy tale view !

Hi everyone, I am glad to introduce one of my favourite shot I have ever take, the last light or Heaven light or you can choose any title for it as whats come to your mind at the first time when you see it .. This magical rare moment happened last year in Abudhabi the capital of UAE, the sister of Dubai :), some of experts said that could not happened till next 10 years forward .. the fog covering the city in the morning is a rare thing but it happened sometimes during winter, but when the thick layer of fog covering the whole city until the sunset, this is a very very rare moment, so I was taking photos and waiting the good light from 3 to 7-8 pm to catch the good light and fortunately I was there 🙂

Actually the adrenaline still moving into my body even now, after one year of this view ! .. a unique magical sunset ! .. almost all of us as dreamers, want to see such as this view at least once a life ! .. I am very happy that I lived that moment and documented it with my pretty camera .

About post processing, I used several technique to achieve this result, at first I took around 12 shot continuously to merge them together in PS CC through stack mode technique to get a result such as long exposure shot, because I did not have an ND filter that day, so when I merged them it gave me different perspective than one shot only, it takes it to a new level, after that I enhanced the light in the scene using photoshop CC and NIK software ( darken/lighten centre filter ), and by using luminosity masks I did some adjustment to the contrast and colour in the scene to make it ad it was not as I wanted it to be, so I prefered to make the colour less saturated than the old one.

I hope you like it as I did, and you can see also the previous version-not a long exposure ( The Last Light ), and it is only one shot with an old editing, but still every shot has its unique mood 🙂

Please view on black for the best experience!

This is another photo from my most recent trip to the Baffin Island.
I used this unique viewpoint to showcase natural elements of glaciered Arctic landscape. This photo is literally taken from within the crevasse. It was quite challenging to get to this crevasse and set up the tripod. But it was worth the effort because the weather started to create interesting light conditions. The combination of slowly moving clouds, mild snowstorm and the low hanging sun, peaking through the clouds once in a while created surreal effects. All this gave me an opportunity to capture few rather unique photos. This is one of them.

I used 3 shots for depth of field blending.

For details regarding upcoming Baffin Island Photo Adventure 2015, please email:

This is one of the photos from my Patagonia Photo Adventure 2014. Frankly, I took it somewhat accidentally. After a stormy night, I didn’t have much of a hope for a good light in the morning. I started my hike with a headlamp on, but I did it later than I normally would. The sky was dark and I couldn’t see much because I was hiking through a dense forest. When I got out of the forest, the first daylight started to come up and my reaction was…. OMG! My second thought was: I am not going to make it to the viewpoint. So I decided to shoot from this spot. I managed to scramble across slippery rocks to this big boulder in the middle of the river. What happened during the next couple of minutes is visible on the photo. The morning light somehow managed through the clouds and created this explosion of colors. This show lasted maybe for 15 minutes.

As you can notice it is not a typical shot that features cuernos of Torres del Paine because they were somewhat behind me. Instead, it showcases a bit of the off trail photo possibilities in Patagonia. Not many people visiting Patagonia get to see such places. I tend to check all possible off trail locations to capture on my photos these “hidden gems.”

I managed to get all the details out of single exposure and sky has minimal processing in Lightroom. So for these that might wonder: Photoshop didn’t paint it.

Quick reminder: My Patagonia Photo Adventure 2015 will take place from March 28 to April 11, 2015 in Argentina and Chile. If you are interested in joining me, email: or contact me via Facebook:

It is going to be a small group of photo enthusiasts that will join me on my Patagonia Photo Adventure 2015, but we will go to places that many commercial photo tours in Patagonia won’t ever see!

This large scale mountain abstract was taken on Baffin Island. I call it large scale because the cliff was about 500-600 meters high.
It was located just across the Mount Asgard on Turner Glacier. This is one of those unplanned photos. I was hiking across the glacier on this cold afternoon, looking for possible compositions to shoot aurora later in the night.
As I was passing by this granite wall, I stopped for a while to put on another layer of clothing. I took a moment to look around and I noticed a warm sunset light illuminating the face of this rock. The combination of cold surrounding and the warm light created interesting view. This cold-warm contrast combined with all converging lines of the cliff caught my eye so I decided to capture it.
Nikon D810, 70mm single shot ISO 64 f/5.6 1/40 sec

Kikar Kdumim, centre of old Jaffa

Young man in striped shirt in San Antonio, Texas

This is an image I created with a carnation in a bowl reflecting on my kitchen counter. I used the creative effect of a flood filter to “liquify” the foreground.

Extreme close up of a yellow & orange red ruffled tulip